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Category: Archived Blog

When Moments Move Us: Jeter’s Last Home Game

I had to do it. There are moments in life that are bigger than us. Bigger than the games we watch and the money we spend. There are rare times when ‘at any cost’ is to be used. There are very few legitimate ‘Once-in-a-Lifetime’ events. Derek Jeter’s last home game is one of them. I bought two tickets. I had to. I have spent weeks debating how to handle Derek Jeter’s last game in Yankee Stadium and finally dove in.…

Second Birthday Blessings and Blues

I had originally planned to write nothing. I had originally planned to enjoy the day as any other. I had originally planned to not feel this way. I was told many things a little over two years ago, as my wife was preparing to have our first child. At the top of the list was how drastically my life was about to change. Those who spoke these words spoke the truth, but for a number of different reasons. For starters,…

Stop Jinxing my Jinx

There is a growing trend in the sports viewing public that has risen to an unacceptable level. It is destroying an integral aspect of being a fan and has growing support from the media. It is swallowing the events about which it is referring, and it is becoming the story rather than enhancing it. The jinx. A no-hitter was just completed. No matter how often this is witnessed, it is always exciting. It’s thrilling to watch. It’s nerve-wracking to follow.…