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Author: Mario Mergola

How It’s Going: Now It’s Starting

Three thousand days. That’s how long I have been writing at least 750 words. Not a single break along the way. Three thousand. Seems dramatic, right? In a vacuum, yes. It is dramatic — and a little insane — to keep track of such a streak. But, I’m not the one who keeps it. I’m just the one who tries to keep it intact. Every single day. 3,000 days ago, my friend introduced me to a website that records writing…

Six-Month Old Babies are the World’s Greatest Gifts

“It is the peak of baby.” Newborns don’t speak. One year olds are closer to little children than little bundles. The exact midpoint, the six-month period, is the best timeĀ of babyhood. “Wait until she turns six months old,” I’ve told people. “The beginning is fun, but that’s the age when it all comes together.” I knew it, I believed it, I saw the pictures of our first child around the key point in her infancy, yet it is always amazing…

29th Birthday – Revisiting Mario’s 28th Birthday Goals

I had not yet returned to my post, but it was always on my mind. Last year, on my birthday, I wrote a list of goals that I wanted to complete by today. I memorized them, and it wasn’t until I sat down to type this year’s version that I revisited what I had promised myself. I knew, all along, that two things would happen. First, I would not write my goals for this upcoming year. Turning 29 only mattered…